August 6, 2024

Learning About & Overcoming PTSD: Tips & Resources for 10 Common Symptoms

Over the past 10 weeks, we’ve been sharing a collection of tips, tricks, and resources to help those working through common PTSD symptoms. Now, you can see all of those listed out in one place for you below!

At the bottom of this article, we’ve combined the list of books, podcasts, videos, and apps and linked them to their source – making it easy for you to jump over and leverage those powerful tools.

IMPORTANT NOTE: We are not therapists! These tips are suggestions only, and are not intended to be a replacement for medical or therapeutic advice. You should consult with licensed medical professionals for specific medical and therapeutic advice relative to your unique situation and symptoms.

Click any title below to learn more.


Why it can be a problem:

Vigilance – the act of being aware of your surroundings – isn’t a bad thing, especially in a high-stress job like the military or law enforcement. It’s when you’re hypervigilant in your civilian life, to the point that it messes with your day-to-day choices and activities, that you should consider an adjustment.

How do I know I’m being hypervigilant?

  • Do you always feel like the world is “out to get you?”
  • Do you have to have an exit plan, and sit with your back to the wall when you’re out to eat with friends or family?
  • Do you avoid large crowds and parking garages, because there might be a threat lurking there?
  • Do you startle easily?
  • Do you frequently feel anxious…for no reason at all?

What you can do about it:

  • Talk to a therapist or a support group. They can help you with proven techniques designed to help identify and deal with triggering events.
  • Keep a journal. Write down your day-to-day activities, and then look back with a clear mind to see if there really was a threat, or if you might have some work to do.
  • Try mindful activities. Things like meditation can help you to have more self-awareness, and can help you to deal with anxiety better. Some people find that regular exercise can be a meditative activity, as it can help to bleed off some of the anxious thoughts they struggle with.
  • Do the hard thing. Consciously put yourself into the situations that stress you out, but do it with someone at your side that understands how you’re feeling and what your response triggers are, so they can help you feel better about being there, or get you out if it becomes too much. Then journal about it and reflect!

Why it can be a problem:

Feeling overstimulated by the people and events around you is common, and some alone time can be good. But forcing yourself to stay alone for long stretches of time, turning down invitations to socialize, and offers for medical (therapeutic) help, can exacerbate your negative feelings.

How do I know I’m self-isolating?

  • Do you find yourself saying no to your family, friends, and co-workers when they invite you to events?
  • Are you avoiding basic self-hygiene routines?
  • Do you find yourself calling out from work frequently?
  • Do you find yourself “snapping” at loved ones?
  • Do you see the trauma from your past over and over in your mind?

What you can do about it:

  • Talk to a therapist or a support group. They can help you with proven techniques designed to help identify and deal with triggering events.
  • Force yourself to say “yes”, even when you don’t want to. The next time someone extends an invitation to join them, or offers to help you find help, say yes.
  • Understand that not everyone “gets it.” What you went through was traumatizing, and yes, many people will not understand. Those people may be the ones closest to you. And that’s okay.
  • Try re-engaging in an old hobby. Sometimes, while you’re by yourself, you can help yourself to feel normal by doing something “safe” that you used to enjoy.
  • Schedule time to reconnect with people. Even if that is only a text message, phone call, or virtual interaction. Putting it in a calendar feels like a promise to yourself that you can’t break.
Poor Sleep

Why it can be a problem:

Babies show us all the time why not sleeping well can be an issue. In its most basic form, it can lead to irritability & bad moods. But it can also cause slow reaction times, memory issues, concentration, and can even cause you to spiral to thoughts of self harm.

How do I know I’m not sleeping well?

  • You feel more tired in the morning than when you went to bed.
  • You find yourself ‘nodding’ during work and leisure activities.
  • A workout feels impossible.
  • When driving, you end up at your destination without remembering driving there.
  • You find yourself staring at the ceiling at night when you should be sleeping.

What you can do about it:

  • Talk to a therapist or a support group. They can help you with proven techniques designed to help you get the rest you need.
  • Avoid alcohol and other substances. While they may help you fall asleep, they’re not working toward solving the bigger issues causing you sleep issues in the first place.
  • Create a sleep hygiene habit. Figure out a routine around bedtime that helps your body settle naturally. Avoid caffeine and eating too late, limit screen time, and adjust the thermostat.
  • Consider journaling. Sometimes, just getting the thoughts out of your head that are keeping you up at night can help your mind to rest. Journaling can also be a powerful therapeutic tool to work through the worst days.

Why it can be a problem:

Anxiety is not a symptom that only folks with PTSD folks suffer from. And it’s also not always bad. Anxiety can be your body’s way of alerting you to its “fight or flight” response, which you need, but just not when there’s not actually anything wrong – can you relate? Anxious people tend to be locked in the fight, flight, or freeze mode.

How do I know I’m abnormally anxious?

  • Are you avoiding people, places, or things to keep from “freaking out?”
  • Do you feel constantly on edge?
  • Do you have trouble sleeping or concentrating?
  • Are you dealing with a constant state of dread or worry?
  • Are you getting regular headaches or other body ailments (pain, nausea)?

It’s important to note that everyone experiences anxiety differently, and anxiety from trauma is a category in and of itself.

What you can do about it:

  • Try the 3-3-3 rule when you’re anxious. Cut off the spiraling thoughts by observing 3 things around you, identifying 3 sounds you can hear, and moving 3 parts of your body. Force yourself to be conscious of the three things in each category and it can help to calm your mind.
  • Limit substances. Avoid substances that may aggravate your anxious feelings, like caffeine or alcohol.
  • Talk to a therapist or a support group. They can help you with proven techniques designed to help you find the calm that’s alluding you.
  • Identify your triggers. Knowing what’s happening that is affecting you and causing your anxiety can not only help you avoid those things in a healthy way, but can also help you learn to cope with them so that they stop stressing you out.
Concentration Issues

Why it can be a problem:

Also commonly referred to as brain fog, concentration issues from traumatic events are common. Not only can ‘not being able to concentrate’ cause you to feel like you’re losing your marbles, it can also result in unfortunate mishaps – like car accidents, miscommunication, or missed events.

How do I know I have brain fog?

  • Do you have a feeling like you can’t clear your mind, or are generally unclear?
  • Are you quick to get emotional?
  • Do you have difficulty completing tasks that used to be easy and quick?
  • Are you feeling extra forgetful lately?
  • Could you take a nap at any moment – even if you slept a full 8 hours?
  • Is it hard to process daily tasks or make a plan?

What you can do about it:

  • Limit substances. Avoid substances that may affect your cognitive abilities, like caffeine, alcohol, or other (legal or illegal) substances.
  • Talk to a therapist or a support group. They can help you with proven techniques designed to help you refocus and work through the fog. Look for one that specializes in trauma-sensitive therapies.
  • Practice Mindfulness: A term commonly linked to practices like yoga and meditation, being mindful can help you to be more present and feel more alert.
  • Exercise: Being active, especially with a group, can bring your mind back to the present while also helping you to release and work through some of the negative feelings that could be contributing to your brain fog.
  • Consider Your Diet: Eating a healthy, balanced diet of full of protein and vitamins can help give your brain the fuel it needs to find clarity.
(Lack of) Trust

Why it can be a problem:

A lack of trust in relationships can cause the relationships to falter – creating other problems like isolation. Trust is a key element for healthy relationships, regardless of whether those relationships exist at work, at home, or in social settings. If PTS symptoms exist due to an event with someone who was in your “inner circle,” trusting them, or anyone, again can be especially difficult.

Signs of Distrust:

  • Are you constantly suspicious?
  • Do you have an “I’ll do it myself” mentality?
  • Are you avoiding conversations with people because they might “use them against you?”
  • Do you question all of the information you’re given?

What you can do about it:

  • Talk to a therapist or a support group. They can help you with proven techniques designed to help you start to trust again.
  • Surround yourself with good people. If you spend a majority of your time around people that make you feel good/calm/safe/cared for, it can help you heal.
  • Experiment with sharing. If you’re not sure you can trust someone, try telling them something personal, but relatively insignificant. See what happens. How they handle that information can help you to decide if they can be trusted with more/more important information.
  • Know that it’s okay to struggle. Developing trust is hard, and that’s okay. If you value relationships with a deeper connection in your life, you’ll find ways to develop them and begin to trust again.
Guilt & Shame

Why it can be a problem:

Guilt and shame are destructive emotions that can be overwhelming when tied to PTSD. They can make a person feel “deeply flawed as a human”* and can leave them feeling disoriented on where they stand – both in society and with their circle of family and friends. These emotions can be very difficult to leave behind.

How do I know I’m experiencing shame or guilt?

  • Are you ruminating on the trauma you experienced?
  • Do you feel “unlovable” or “unworthy”?
  • Are you thinking about and/or acting on self-destructive behaviors like neglect, blame, or even self-harm?
  • Are you isolating from the people who love you?

What you can do about it:

  • Talk to a therapist or a support group. They can help you with proven techniques designed to help identify and deal with your emotions.
  • Work on Compassion. While you may need help from a therapist to find it, compassion can allow you to combat the feelings of guilt and shame, while increasing your feelings of connection, calm, and trust.
  • Distract Yourself. When you feel the guilt or shame coming on, develop a habit of immediately doing something else that’s healthier for your emotional state – like taking a walk, dancing it out, or calling a friend.
  • Identify Your Triggers. Understanding what brings on these negative feelings – which is often the same thing that makes you relive your trauma – can help you to avoid or work through the hardest times.



Why it can be a problem:

Flashbacks are often incredibly vivid memories that can be triggered by any number of things. They can be so vivid, in fact, that the body can involuntarily react to events that aren’t actually happening in the present – causing harm to yourself or those around you. Experiencing flashbacks can also cause a number of other PTSD symptoms, like avoidance, anxiety, trouble sleeping, and more.

How do I know I’m experiencing flashbacks?

  • Are you experiencing episodes of remembering the traumatic events you went through that feel like they’re happening all over again?
  • Are you “waking up” or coming back to the present somewhere, not remembering how you got there?
  • Do certain sounds – like sirens or helicopters – trigger your fight or flight response?

What you can do about it:

  • Talk to a therapist or a support group. They can help you with proven techniques designed to help identify and deal with the trauma you experienced.
  • Ground yourself in the present. When you start experiencing a flashback, or your body feels like it did during your traumatic event, look for things in the present that you can see, hear, smell, and feel.
  • Use mindful techniques to step away from the flashback. Bringing yourself back to the present using deep, slow breaths, or tuning into the sensation of your feet on the ground, can help break the flashback’s effects.
  • Leverage journaling. Writing about your negative feelings, and about flashbacks when they happen, can help you to better identify your triggers and what you’re feeling so you can start to deal with them in a healthy way.
Emotion Regulation Issues

Why it can be a problem:

When a person has experienced an onslaught of emotions during a traumatic event, future regulation of their emotions and responses to normal life can be off-balance. Events where mild negative emotions are appropriate become overwhelming negative, and events where positive emotions are appropriate can be a source of struggle, with trauma survivors reporting little to no emotion. Oftentimes, emotions can swing wildly and much more quickly than those without trauma experiences.

How do I know I’m struggling with emotion regulation?

  • Are loved ones trying to figure out why you’re so upset “all of a sudden”?
  • Do you find yourself unable to enjoy things that use to bring you joy?
  • Have you recently overreacted to a stressful situation, maybe even causing yourself or others pain?
  • Have you had seemingly unprovoked, intense feelings – either positive or negative – with no idea why?

What you can do about it:

  • Talk to a therapist or a support group. They can help you with proven techniques designed to help identify and deal with the trauma you experienced.
  • Leverage journaling. Writing about your feelings, what’s happening when they appear, and your / others reactions to your feelings can help you start to identify triggers and relearn how to regulate them.
  • Avoid unhealthy coping mechanisms. Stimulants and depressors like drugs, alcohol, or self-harm can only aggravate your symptoms, and cannot provide real solutions. Avoid these while you’re learning how to regulate emotions.
  • Explore new things. If you’re having trouble finding joy in things that previously brought you joy, consider exploring new hobbies. Oftentimes, breaking out of a routine or breaking out of the norm can surprise us.

Anger & Irritability

Why it can be a problem:

Feelings of anger and irritability, which are common with PTSD, can cause a person to feel on edge because they’ve gone into fight or flight mode. In addition to these negative feelings, being on edge for a long time can also cause difficulty sleeping and an abnormal sense of hypervigilance (covered in week one). Not only that, but anger and irritability can cause a person to lash out, pushing away those closest to them.

How do I know I’m suffering from PTSD-related anger or irritability?

  • Do you feel a heightened sense of emotion, maybe coupled with a racing heart, or spiraling thoughts?
  • Do you find yourself wanting to hit something or be destructive?
  • Do you commonly think that everyone is “trying to piss you off”? 
  • Have family or friends stopped reaching out or coming around?

What you can do about it:

  • Talk to a therapist or a support group. They can help you with proven techniques designed to help identify and deal with the trauma you experienced.
  • Take a time-out. Not in the sense that you might have experienced as a child, where you go stand in the corner, but rather, intentionally stepping away from a situation so you have time cool off and think with a clearer mind.
  • Refocus on self-care / self-soothing. When you find yourself in an angered state, doing something that is intended to help you feel more calm and mindful can be helpful. Think of things like reading a book, stretching, burning a favorite candle, or listening to soothing music. Incorporate things that force you to leverage your senses and help get you out of your head.



Why Has Nobody Told Me This Before? By Julie Smith

Lessons in Cadence by Eric Basek

Struggle Well: Thriving in the Aftermath of Trauma by Ken Falke & Josh Goldberg

Reconnecting After Isolation: Coping with Anxiety, Depression, Grief, PTSD, and More by Susan J. Noonan

Who You Were Before Trauma: The Healing Power of Imagination for Trauma Survivors by Luise Reddemann

The Soldier’s Guide to PTSD: A No-Shit Guide to Reclaiming Your Life by Virginia Cruse

The Beauty of a Darker Soul: Overcoming Trauma Through the Power of Human Connection by Joshua Mantz

The Brain Fog Fix: Reclaim Your Focus, Memory, and Joy in Just 3 Weeks by Dr. Mike Dow

Trust: Knowing When to Give It, When to Withhold It, HOw to Earn It, and How to Fix It When It Gets Broken by Dr. Henry Cloud

How Trust Works: The Science of How Relationships are Built, Broken, and Repaired by Peter H. Kim

I Love You But I Don’t Trust You: The Complete Guide to Restoring Trust in Your Relationship by Mira Kirshenbaum

I Shouldn’t Feel This Way: Name What’s Hard, Tame Your Guilt, and Transform Self-Sabotage into Brave Action by Dr. Alison Cook

Master Your Emotions: A Practical Guide to Overcome Negativity and Better Manage Your Feelings by Thibaut Meurisse

Triggers: How We Can Stop Reacting and Start Healing by David Richo

What It Takes to Heal: How Transforming Ourselves Can Change the World by Prentis Hemphill

Healing What You Can’t Erase: Transform Your Mental, Emotional, and Spiritual Health from the Inside Out by Christopher Cook

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Get Sleepy

Nothing Much Happens Sleep Stories

Tracks to Relax

Not Another Anxiety Show with Kelli Walker

Focus Toolkit from the Huberman Lab Podcast

Think Unbroken, Episode 132

Happiness 2.0 by


Focus Toolkit from the Huberman Lab Podcast

PTSD Flashbacks Explained with Dr. Harry McCleary


Calm – iPhone & Android

Forest – iPhone & Android